Disclosing the Different Types of Medical Translation for Healthcare

Healthcare industry is growing rapidly with the emergence of globalization. Countries like India, US, and Asian countries are countlessly working on bringing new technology to improve the sector and make it available to vast users. The medical industry works worldwide and has a regular conversation with other countries, so it becomes important to have accurate medical translation services. Medical translation serves various markets that speak different languages. More importantly, medical terms aren’t easy to understand for the layman and even non-English speakers. So using of medical translation service for medical document translation becomes important.

Medical translation services like Bhasha Bharati Arts, having decades of experiences offer quality translation using modern tools for the easy translation process. In many cases, medical documents or terms belonging to non-English speaking country becomes difficult to understand, which can lead issues related to health. Medical abbreviations, acronyms, and terms need to be specific to ensure better understanding. So there is a huge demand for medical translation professional who can do the job effectively and converse the content effectively.

What is Medical Translation?

Medical translation is the process of translating various medical documents including training materials, medical-legal documents, manuals, etc. From technical documentation to marketing product of medical, everything falls under the medical translation. The process is not just about working with doctors but also working on labels, literature and pharma documents. In clinical trials, translation plays an important role and should be done by professionals to get the best result.

Importance of Medical Translation in Healthcare:

Medical professionals work hard to ensure that patients get the best medical documents for good health. Not every patient would be able to understand the medical terms, and so translation becomes an important part. Medical interpreters carrying years of experience assist doctors for better understanding. It’s a challenging job because everything has to be accurate, from diagnosis to prescription.

A medical translator professional must have expert knowledge and deeper understanding of the respective market like Japan, EU, China, and the US. A linguistic ability and exemplary knowledge of specific terminology are very important.

Let us now check different types of medical translation needed:

The types of medical translation depend on the particular settings or materials:

  • Website and marketing materials:

The translation is required to translate hospitals and medical facility websites and marketing materials in the respective language. Medical website or marketing materials are important to space for translation.

  • Signage:

Signage in different languages is very important to offer in hospitals and medical departments. Choosing the common language for signage is important that makes easy to serve the product.

  • For Various Medical Documentations:

Medical facilities aren’t paperless and various documentations are done. From patient information and intake, forms should be in a native language that will make the patient understand. There are situations where patients come from other city or country lacking English understanding. So translating medical documents in native language becomes important.

  • Document translation for clinical trials:

Clinical trials are vital for the development of medicine and people participating should be aware of the possible risk involved. So the translation of such medical document is important.

  • Informed Consent Forms:

The patient signing the consent form must be fully aware of the medical procedure involved. So the consent form must be in simple layman language.

Types of Medical Translation:

The medical translation industry covers wide areas including drug development, clinical trials research, patents and drug information. So there are different types of medical translations that cover these regions.

  • Academic:

The academic medical translation is the done for translating the scientific data. Many scientific articles are published in medical journals covering different languages. Since these journals are in the English language, the translation needs to be done in the respective language to make students understand.

  • Brochures and Websites:

Healthcare websites should be universal to make patients and readers understand about diagnosis and other medical excerpts. Website localization using translated words help in meeting various market needs.

  • Medical Research Translation:

This type of translation is done for medical device and pharmaceutical industries. This industry needs to reach various markets for selling their products. So the marketing and the product description has to be described as per the language of the respective region. Moreover, for the industry, it is important to understand consumer demographics which will help in selling the products.

  • Clinical Trial Documentation:

This type of medical translation is in huge demand as the pharma companies need to conduct clinical trials to make the product market ready and safe. Since the healthcare industry is global, the clinical trial is done globally. So translating clinical trial documents becomes important. There are multiple documents required when submitting clinical trials reports:

  • Clinical Trial Protocols
  • Informed Consent Forms
  • Investigator’s Brochures
  • Adverse Event Reports

Now let us check different medical documents that need translation for easy understanding:

  • Discharge Summary:

When the patient checks out from the hospital there is a discharge summary presented by doctors that explains the reason for admission, the result of the test and the patient condition. The summary document should be in layman language and so the translation is important.

  • Medical Test Report:

The medical test report consists of a urine test, heart test, and other essentials. The translator has to provide complete details with perfection to make the reader understand.

  • Mental Status Examination:

The report provides the mental exam to understand if the patient’s mental ability is in the right form. It will present the result in the official document with right translation work.

  • Medical History Record:

The history record summarizes the entire process of patient’s medical. The remarks are used for clinical environment and medical healthcare translator has to work on the records.

As said, there are different documents of healthcare which requires quality translation from the professional. Professional medical translators work on every abbreviation and find easy synonymous of certain medical terms to make the reader understand.


Medical translation services by Bhasha Bharati Arts is done by the professional team of translators. Being one of the leading medical translation services in Mumbai, India, the company has been offering service to different cities of India and global clients. The company strictly comply with the regulatory authorities to ensure there is no mistake in the translation. With years of experience in the field, BBA today offers medical translation service for healthcare companies like Macleoids, Lupin, Cipla, ACG-Pam and numerous others. If you are looking for the expert medical translation service, then connect with Bhasha Bharati Arts.



Bhasha Bharati — Translation Agency
Bhasha Bharati — Translation Agency

Written by Bhasha Bharati — Translation Agency

http://www.bhashabharatiarts.com/ is leading translation, Localization and Interpretation services provider in all Indian and foreign languages.

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